Current Magazine

“Interesting Search Queries” Weekly

By Legosneggos @LegosnEggos

I listen, rather read, with interest the queries that bring readers to this site.  I’ll again share a few more interesting/peculiar gems of this past week, most of which involved vacation, geography, travel, and…


“kristen wiig feet”

I see this in my stats, on average, four times a week.  I’m sorry there is little (still) that I can offer this persistent searcher(s) in the way of photos of Kristen’s feet.  I’m sure they’re lovely.  Maybe there is a person by the name of Kristen Wiig Feet?  The only other thing I could find that would pertain to Ms. Wiig and feet would be related to this clip, where she says, “I’m gonna dance ’til my feet turn into baked potatoes.”

Perhaps that will put this search query to bed for you?

“desperate need for vacation joke”

I got you there.  See:!

“diy geography projects ideas”

Well, if it is related to teaching kids geography, here are good projects:, or, or, or maybe making an African rainstick - My kids always loved those.

But if your wish is for an idea of a DIY geography-related home decorating project, here are a couple of ideas (albeit, the last few are more slap-”mappy” than anything): for fabrics to make pillows and such, or for lampshades from maps.  Perhaps making a map table by decoupage-  Or even wallpaper a table with a map or favorite postcards from all over the world, and then cover it with glass, like this idea from Better Homes and Gardens –  (I love that one, actually.)  Or use a hemisphere of a globe (cut in half) as a potpourri or novelty display bowl centerpiece -  Also, maps as wrapping paper – – or as stationery –  Best of all, how about framing heart-matted maps of the places in the world that hold personal meaning for you?  –

And getting back to the subject of the best search query I had all week — and one to which I must offer an impassioned response:

 ”27 years old too late to backpack through europe?”

I must respond — NOoooooo, it is not too late!  Do you know how young 27 is?  You could even be 80 years old, and if you are single, without small children or pets to attend to, and are not fleeing any serious criminal prosecution at home, I would say suggest placing your things in storage, putting in your two-weeks’ notice, and buying your airline ticket tomorrow to begin your adventure. We are never guaranteed a tomorrow.

Of course, if the savings and funding source are iffy, then you will probably have to work your way around in an honest manner in odd jobs to afford each leg of your journey, so possibly be prepared to take your time.  Otherwise, what are you waiting for?  Go out and live your version of what you want your one life here to be, because your life is only what you make it.

Again, age 27 is still a baby.  You’re not even close to middle age yet.  To whom do you have to offer an explanation for this adventure?,,

“Interesting Search Queries” Weekly

More next week… I hope.

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