Even after being defeated by the Samsung’s latest Exynos processor, Intel is not ready to give up yet. Researchers at the Intel labs now claims to be working on a ultra-fast 48-Core processor to regain company’s rightful position in the world of mobile processors.
This report comes from Computerworld, who has spoken to Intel researchers to grab the details. According to them, Intel plans to develop these super mobile processors within this decade and power-up the future smartphones and tablets with the most powerful processor to be. CNET has also confirmed this report with Intel.
48 cores seems like a long-jump ahead into the future considering the technology we have today. But who knows, maybe we will get to handle a lightening-fast tablet in just a couple of years. With this kind of technology we could also hope for more advanced features beyond touchscreens and voice recognition.
Are you excited? Yeah, you should be..
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Roshan Jerad Perera