6. The Title Page needs to contain the name of the experiment, the names of lab partners, and the date. Titles should be straightforward, informative, and less than ten words (. Not 8775 Lab #9 8776 but 8775 Lab #9: Sample Analysis using the Debye-Sherrer Method 8776 ). 7. The Abstract summarizes four essential aspects of the report: the purpose of the experiment (sometimes expressed as the purpose of the report), key findings, significance and major conclusions. The abstract often also includes a brief reference to theory or methodology. The information should clearly enable readers to decide whether they need to read your whole report. The abstract should be one paragraph of 655-755 words (the sample below is 696 words).
Writing a Lab Report
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Microbiology Writing Guide: Lab Report Format | Writing
We are committed to treating students, their questions, and their assignments with respect. We recognize that every student is unique and that every assignment is different. Writing Specialists will make their best attempt to work with students to improve their writing.
Tips on Writing Lab Reports - University of California
If you set out to identify an unknown metal by finding its lattice parameter and its atomic structure, you 8767 d better know the metal and its attributes.
In longer laboratory reports, a "Conclusion" section often appears. Whereas the "Results and Discussion" section has discussed the results individually, the "Conclusion" section discusses the results in the context of the entire experiment. Usually, the objectives mentioned in the "Introduction" are examined to determined whether the experiment succeeded. If the objectives were not met, you should analyze why the results were not as predicted. Note that in shorter reports or in reports where "Discussion" is a separate section from "Results," you often do not have a "Conclusion" section. (See a sample "Conclusions" section.)
In a laboratory report, appendices often are included. One type of appendix that appears in laboratory reports presents information that is too detailed to be placed into the report s text. For example, if you had a long table giving voltage-current measurements for an RLC circuit, you might place this tabular information in an appendix and include a graph of the data in the report s text. Another type of appendix that often appears in laboratory reports presents tangential information that does not directly concern the experiment's objectives.
Often undergraduate labs are intended to illustrate important physical laws, such as Kirchhoff 8767 s voltage law, or the Müller-Lyer illusion. Usually you will have discussed these in the introduction. In this section move from the results to the theory. How well has the theory been illustrated?
The meaning of your results should be summarized in two to three sentences at the end of the section. This includes the potential implications of the research, and possibilities for future research that would contribute more to the field. In lab reports, experiments do not always work. This section allows the researcher to explain what might have gone wrong with an experiment.
A lab report differs from a paper in that it has defined sections. The sections required vary from laboratory to laboratory but the standard outline for most lab reports in the biological science include: title, your name, purpose of the experiment, methods, results, discussion and conclusion, references. Some lab reports may include a section of questions that must be answered concerning the experiment. Most laboratory courses will require that data be immediately written into a lab notebook in pen. Some labs will require you to attach these data pages to your report. Normally a lab report should be typed, spell checked and proofread before being submitted.
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