Family Magazine

Institute of Texan Cultures' Annual Asian Festival

By Michelle Hernandez @Familylovesa
My first attempt to the 25th Annual Asian Festival was with 2 adults,  myself included, 5 children and at least 100,000 others! Institute of Texan Cultures' Annual Asian Festival
Nonetheless, we had a great time!
We parked at the Grand Hyatt and took a nice stroll on the river, passing the convention center and through Hemisphere Park to the Institute of Texan Cultures. I figure if we had to park and walk we could use some scenery to keep the kids interested!
This is right outside the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in Hemisphere Plaza.  Institute of Texan Cultures' Annual Asian Festival
When we arrived at the entrance, I must say it was a bit overwhelming with the big crowd.  But sometimes there is just no turning back, it's an adventure!
Institute of Texan Cultures' Annual Asian Festival
We grabbed some chicken kabobs, egg rolls and tried some fried bananas!
Next,  we headed straight to the kids crafts! Institute of Texan Cultures' Annual Asian Festival
Making Samurai Hats and Dragons
Institute of Texan Cultures' Annual Asian Festival
Then, on to watch a martial arts demonstration. Doesn't the Alamodome make a great background?
Institute of Texan Cultures' Annual Asian Festival
All ages and levels performed. 
After, we enjoyed some Hawaiian Shaved Ice and walked our way back through Hemisphere Park!
Institute of Texan Cultures' Annual Asian Festival
Institute of Texan Cultures' Annual Asian Festival
The festival was timed perfectly with the kids celebrating the Chinese New Year at school.  Right they are in capoeira class and all about Power Rangers Samurai, so the event was spot on!
We even brought in some bottled water and Cutie oranges for good luck!
Sure there was lots we missed - the sushi, sumo wrestlers, Asian gifts, art displays, henna tattoos, Okinawan dancers and the entire inside of the Institute of Texas - it happens with little ones.
But the  kids were happy and we spent the day outside, exploring the city!
A successful day in my book!
What was your favorite memory from the week? Share at Kids Stuff World!
Institute of Texan Cultures' Annual Asian Festival

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