Diaries Magazine

Instagram for Success.

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups


I’ve learned a lot about blogging over the past few years. I’ve learned how to create quality content, how to work with brands, how to interact with my readers, and how to work from home while taking care of the kids. I’ve learned how to monetize my blog, turn it into a business, and in turn, find other opportunities.

When I first started blogging, the biggest platforms were Facebook and Twitter. Huge. Pinterest started to creep in shortly after and then Instagram was introduced. Prior to all of these social media channels, consistently reading people’s blogs was the thing. Everyone read 15-25 blogs a day, “liked” people on GFC (Google Friend Connect… old school), and most importantly, they commented. Most bloggers responded to every comment and you really had a chance to get to know these women. You looked forward to their post everyday and were genuinely invested in their lives.

Fast forward a few years and things are slightly different. Obviously blogging is still huge and hello, I’m still here. But I’ve definitely felt a shift in the way the blog world is communicating. Commenting on the actual blog seems a little less popular than social media. And in particular, one social media channel seems to be the “it” thing right now. Can you guess?

Instagram. Why? It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s visually appealing, and it’s a simple way to communicate. And while it’s fun to post things other than blog stuff, it is also a phenomenal tool to help build your brand.

I sat in on Helene’s free webinar last week, Get Paid to Blog. I’ve known Helene since the beginning of my blogging journey and she’s fabulous. She’s kind, genuine, and has always been someone in blogland I’ve considered a close friend. So when she announced her webinar, I couldn’t wait to see her in action! Not only was there a lot of great information, but there was a sense of confidence. Not only in herself, but in all of us. That as bloggers, we are all business women (or men) and have the ability to make money blogging. But she didn’t stop there…

At the end of her webinar, she announced her new class, Instagram for Success. The class is a live webinar/E-course on Wednesday, September 16th at 8 pm CST. This course is going to be SO amazing you guys. She has studied Instagram and poured all of her knowledge into this course. She’s going to teach you how to use Instagram to leverage your brand or business in so many ways.

Here are some of her stats (all taken from her post on this course):

She increased her follower count by 63% (in the last 5 months she gained over 8,000 followers. One year ago she had less than 2,000 followers. She currently has over 12,600.)

Free Image Hosting at imageshack.com

Increased her page views 43% (!!)

Found out her personal brand and what works for her.

Established a community on Instagram.

QUADRUPLED her likes.

Increased comments by 57%.

Been featured by huge brands who have posted her original photos.

Pretty cool huh? So what will you learn in this class?

    • How to gain followers and drive traffic to your site (How she’s consistently gained 1,000 new followers per month!)
    • How to edit photos and post consistently
    • The trick to more interaction, likes, and followers
    • How to get featured by BIG brands
    • The biggest mistakes to avoid that 98% of instagrammers are doing!

Free Printables, Worksheets, Private Community, + Live Q&A!

However, if you can’t make it you can still sign up! You’ll get a recording of the live webinar. (All who sign up will get the webinar recording (listen to it whenever you need a refresh.) Here’s what else you’ll get:

A printable for how to succeed with Instagram.

A worksheet on ideas on what and when to post – she will show you the best times for you to PERSONALLY post!

A printable on exactly how she edits her Instagram photos.

A guide on all her tools and secrets for success, and the exact path she’s taken to quadruple her Instagram following.

A Private Community dedicated to help you succeed with Instagram and grow your following.

You will gain followers, likes, interaction, AND more traffic to your blog using this method so that you can make money blogging, get more sales, and have more readers!

You’ll also find out: Do you really need those expensive add-on lenses? Do loop Giveaways work? How to master the “Flatlay” How to use apps to track followers, likes, and engagement (for FREE!) ….And SO much more –

The current price of the course is $107 but after today, it’s going up to $157. And while I know shelling out money isn’t easy, this course is an investment. You’re putting in a little to get a lot out. Is this your full time job? Do you want it to be? How can you reach your goals? This. This right here people.

So go sign up NOW! A ton of people have already signed up and it’s going to be one giant party. While learning of course


Helene is a wonderful person and a great teacher. I am SO excited to listen to everything she’s learned and really take my business to the next level. Blogging is personal, yes, but it’s also a brand and my job. Is it yours? Because it could be

Head HERE to sign up NOW!!! GO!!

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