Over the past year Instagram has quickly become my favorite platform of social media sharing. A quick square photo shares more with the world than any 140 character update could, yes I know you can add a photo to Twitter but it just isn’t quite the same as flicking through someone’s Instagram feed and being instantly inspired to do something with your life. I have used Instagram more than any other form of social media while traveling and it’s the place I go looking at first when following my favorite travel bloggers.
Recently Instagram has been the place I go for a little pick me up, a little day dreaming and a little reminder that our wonderful world is still out there waiting for me to explore. I get lost flicking through my feed daily but occasionally I’ll find a really good account that has me lusting over their adventure and totally lost. These are the accounts everyone should be following, even if it’s only to be completely stricken with jealously.
Instagram Accounts to Follow in 2015

Follow Nicole here

Follow Johan here

Follow Leah here

Follow Darren here

Follow Mareen here

Follow Nicola here

Follow Ryan here

Follow Toni here

Follow Laurence here

Follow Frankie here

Follow Julia here
And incase you weren’t already following me on Instagram….

Did you already follow any of these accounts or do you have another favourite? I would love to hear about it so drop me a link to yours or your favorite Instagram account in the comments.
Tags: Instagram Travel Inspiration