I first came across these words in an email I received at the end of January. It was definitely fitting for a new year, and since then I’ve kept it marked and on a post-it on my computer. They say it takes 40 days to foster a habit, and I’ve learned from reading How to Train a Wild Elephant: And Other Adventures in Mindfulness, that by choosing just one or two habits to focus on for that time, you are more able to instill those habits for the long run, rather than just trying to make changes all at once. Creating habits; say committing to a workout regimen or eating wholesome, or simply just smiling more, takes effort and time. Habits are created overtime, it’s our own motivation and determination for the final result, the person we aim to become, that should drive us everyday to make sure our healthy habits become our lifestyle. It may not even cross our thoughts, but habits are a crucial part of our happiness, as we live them every single day and moment of our lives. If we focus on the habits that work for us and ones that will make us better versions of ourselves, we’re much more likely to be happy, healthy, productive, and creative!
As we begin the month of March, yes I know we’ve lived through two months of the year already, and it’s almost Spring! I thought this quote was fitting for those of us who, like myself, are working towards our goals for 2015. Don’t become discouraged, we all have setbacks, keep at it – there are many wonderful things ahead!