It’s Friday the 13th (insert creepy organ soundbyte here).
Source: via Amburglar on Pinterest
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always had a ‘thing’ for odd numbers. 7, 13, 29…
Not really applicable to this post though.
What I wanted to share today are a couple of things that have inspired me this week.
1. The Bloggess’s crusade for kindness. Yeah, I know you already know about The Red Dress movement, but it doesn’t make it any less awesome (kindness to strangers is so 2010…). On a semi-side note, Check out these awesome Paper Dolls her friend made for her.
2. My friend Nicole’s new website The Wardrobe Code. Not simply because I lover her, but because I know what went into pulling this all together and it inspires me to keep working harder, believing in myself and not letting fear knock me down. The website is beautiful. It will inspire you…go there.
3. Another friend (I guess it’s a good week for friends), architectural genius Lauren Moss of MYD Studio was named one of the Top 20 Architects Under 40 by ENR Magazine. It’s not biased, they think she’s awesome too. I think it’s a really big deal for young, female entrepreneurs to be recognized for their achievements. Especially in a field that is traditionally dominated by men. Congrats Lauren, you inspire me.
4. My own business, Redefine Home store, closed down this week. It’s not something I’m totally ready to talk about – but mostly because I don’t know what happens next. Every cheesy phrase about doors opening and closing rings true when you are in transition. I am inspired by what’s coming next and proud of what I created, what I learned and what I am now capable of…ANYTHING.