Social Media Magazine

Inspirational Art: Landscape with Houses in a Ravine – Yamamoto Baiitsu

Posted on the 22 December 2020 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia

Sharing the most inspirational art I can find on the web!

Title: Landscape with houses in a ravine

Date: 1853

Artist: Yamamoto Baiitsu (1783-1856)

Type of art: hanging scroll, ink on paper

Annotations/Markings: Signed "七十翁梅逸画" at upper right corner following inscription. Three seals; one at upper right corner preceding inscription and two following signature after inscription. Inscription reads "尽日柴門に客の過ぎる無く・雨余の苔径緑なること羅の如し・山禽睡りを呼びて春幽寂たり・満院の斜陽竹影多し" (At the valley-mouth, my bramble gate is visited by no guest: / after rainfall, fragrant paths have a covering of green. / My mountain lad calls me from sleep, disrupting my tranquil withdrawal: / the whole courtyard is filled with setting sunlight, / among the bamboo shadows. -trans. Jonathan Chaves).

Source and information: Calisphere (University of California)

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