Books Magazine

Information Overload!

By Ashleylister @ashleylister

It is said knowledge is power. I’ll bet our ancestors, who searched the skies, seas and earth with the flimsiest of equipment but the biggest of dreams would never have thought we could gain information about all those things as quickly as the press of a bit of plastic. This access to information is incredible. Via television or internet we can learn what is going on in the world, what has gone on in the world throughout history, and even what’s going on beyond this earth. We can learn languages, skills and hobbies, chat to people across the world and order knowledge to your door too (books ect). Knowledge is so easy to get hold of, to obtain and share.
However, the extent of our access to information now is largely unimpressive by modern standards. The internet is just there. Sitting, waiting, and most often used to watch people have sex, find pictures of people embarrassing themselves, search amusing cat videos, hurl abuse at each other, order useless crap and moan about the weather or lack of money (not saying I haven’t done any of this myself) Not only is there this common misuse, but nowadays information may be everywhere but not all of it is useful, let alone interesting. Everyone will recognize this sort of information
“Buy one get one free”
“87% of women saw a difference within 2 weeks”
“30% off”
“Everything £1”
Perhaps this type of information is so prevalent in today’s society that the knowledge our ancestors would have died (and did) to get their hands on with a press of a button has sunk beneath it a little. Or just that it’s all old news.
The modern world is filled with information overload. We’re very lucky for being able to access it, even those silly cat videos, but I damn well wish I could block out the commercial crap. All those little voices spitting useless information about sales… it’s the schizophrenia of society… in my opinion.

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