To finish up the dining room, I wanted to go with an Industrial Shelving Unit. I want it to feel completely casual and relaxed where you would just grab a few bowls or a serving dish off the shelf and set the table. I have quite a few white serving pieces, so my thought is to just have open shelving where I can stack the white serving dishes and dinnerware. I also thought it would be fun to have a wine holder of some sort to put my wine. I don't actually own either yet, the wine rack or the collection, lol. But OH If I had a place to put them, I would. At least that is what I am telling Dustin in order to purchase this piece. ;-)
I showed the Industrial shelving unit to him and...
Insert imagine of an extra tight squeezed fart face and that is what he looked like when he saw the shelving I had pulled up online.
Wouldn't that be too much for the dining room? Why would you want so much shelving to fill? What would you even put on it? What are you going for a Restaurant? Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. LOL.
YES, that is exactly what I'm going for. Hellllooo! I just bought a sign, which he likes that has our last name on it and the big word RESTAURANT underneath.
So I decided to put together a Design Board so that he could get the full effect of what I am going for.
Here is my DREAM Dining Room...

The inspiration pic comes from Country Living.
Although my dining table has feet on the pedestal and is in need of a paint job, I hope to do a gray wash that will make my table look similar to the one in the Design Board when all is said and done.
Hopefully after seeing this design board, Dustin will be able to get a great sense of what I am going for.
Just trust me dude!!! ;-)
For the Industrial Shelving, I saw a lot that I liked, but found only ONE so far in my price range and size.

Industrial Mansard Double Bookshelf VIA
It may need a bit of a roughing up job, but overall for the price and the reviews, it seems to be a good choice. What do you think?
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