Destinations Magazine

Indiana Blogs: Snail Pace Transformations

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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This marks another addition to the regular feature here at little Indiana: Indiana Blogs! If you are an Indiana Blogger, please use the contact form and send me an email. You may be featured right here on little Indiana.

Indiana Blogs: Snail Pace Transformations

Indiana Blogs: Snail Pace Transformations

Snail Pace Transformations is an Indiana blog that highlights making meaningful life changes.

It’s not how fast you make a change, but that you considerately strive toward your goals, making a difference that really sticks!

Snail Pace Transformations focuses on peace and harmony at home–while you pursue your dreams!

Indiana Blogs: Snail Pace Transformations

Why did you start Snail Pace Transformations?
I started Snail Pace Transformations in January of 2012, so I have been blogging for almost 2 years now. I had been renovating  homes 10 to 20 hours a week with my husband for the last 5 years but we were finally done. I wanted to fill that time up with something else that perhaps could add to the family’s income before life filled it up for me.

What about that name? Why Snail Pace Transformations?
I wanted to name my blog something else but the name was already taken. I quickly started a group message on facebook with a few of my closest friends asking them what they thought would be a good name. I made suggestion after suggestion, finally the group decided Snail Pace Transformations was a great fit.

Where did the name Snail Pace Transformations come from?
Well in those 5 years my husband and I were renovating we only completed 3 homes. Now in our defense one home was a complete top to bottom gut job, and we were fitting renovating around my husband’s work and our family life. Still we were slow so one day we started joking that we should get signs made up for our vehicles that read “Snail Pace Renovators:we are not fast but we get the job done right”.

My friends all knew about the joke renovation company name and knew how much I love taking things baby step by baby step so they all figured it was a good fit for my blog as we all figured I would share what I have learned about gradually working at big projects instead of letting them take over life.

What are three of your most favorite posts?
Wow this is so tough. I think I will give you one of the top three topics I write about

  • In goal setting my favorite would be: 7 Ways to Rebound After A Setback
  • In thrifty living my favorite would be: 100 Ways Thrifty People Save Money
  • In housecleaning it would be: Top 10 Reasons To Keep Clutter  ( This by far not a post that got a big audience but my real life closest friends would tell you this is a post where the real me shines through to the fullest)

What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
I have always been a goal setter. I love the thrill of setting a goal and working towards it. There are so many ways to set goals in blogging that it keeps that side of me continually feed.

I am also big on life long learning and love sharing what I learn with others and blogging about it saves my friends from hearing about it over and over.

What can people expect when they hop onto your blog?
As far as a weekly schedule goes they can expect a goal post on Monday and a thrifty post of Friday and a wildcard post on Wednesday on whatever topic I feel like writing on whether it be encouraging others in their goals, or housekeeping tips, or another topic I am passionate about.

I figure if I am encouraging women to go out and set goals and pursue their passions then I best share how I am doing pursuing my own, so I keep Wednesday open for that.

You cover a lot of topics with a bit of humor and fun thrown in. What’s your favorite topic to tackle, the one that makes you smile every time you go to write about it?
I do cover a lot of topics but I think if you read each one you will see that my thrifty side comes out in pretty much all my writing. I love my 10 Ways Thrifty People ……. series.

I will be out for a run and suddenly I am thinking about 10 ways to save money on camping, or 10 ways to save money on sporting goods. I am sure people who drive by me while I am running  must wonder who I am madly texting as I run, but truth be known I am writing outlines for posts in Evernote.

You like to save time and spend less: what’s your favorite tip for a hidden way to save? 
I have saved a lot of time and money purchasing our families bikes at a locally owned bike shop. Since I have bought a number of bikes from that one store, the shop owner always does minor fixes for free and hardly charges me anything for major repairs. He also cut me a great deal on a racing bike because he knows my family only buys our bikes from him and we tell others about his great service all the time (Curfman Cycle Center, Marion Indiana, best bike shop around).

Is there anything else that you would like little Indiana readers to know about you or your blog?
I want people to know that it is okay to go slow but is not okay to shelf your talents, your passions or your goals. That is what Snail Pace Transformations is all about. It is about making room in your life to go after your dreams, in a way that does not put family needs aside, nor cause financial strain or relationship stress.

When you snail-pace your goals you will find that balance you have been looking for and all the benefits that come with it.

Making Changes, Slowly

Thanks to today’s Indiana blogger for sharing her tidy, thoughtful, and informational blog with us today!

Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is little Indiana!

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

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