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Indiana Blogs: Basil Momma
BasilMomma is an Indiana blog that will make you drool great big slobbery puddles on your computer. A whiz in the kitchen, she blogs about her latest triumphs–and man, do they sound good!
Don’t think this is one of those food blogs that uses unusual ingredients, either. BasilMomma keeps it simple.
Sometimes, you just need to find a little motivation to get back in the kitchen. You’ll find it here–and then some.
Indiana Blogs: BasilMomma
Why did you start Basilmomma?
I have been blogging for a year but I have been writing, journaling, and chronicling my adventures in family, food, and cooking for years.
I was off about a year ago for a surgery and was not really able to do much for a few weeks. I was going crazy with nothing to do and that made me worry about my health more. My husband plopped down his laptop and told me to write. So I did! Basilmomma was born!
What about that name? Basilmomma?
Well, I wanted a name that would stand out, be easy to remember and mean something to me personally. I remembered that when my youngest was very small he would ask me for basil at the farmers market (strange I know) and he would say he wanted ‘Basil Momma!” so it stuck. It was his little name for me and out little private memory.
What are three of your most favorite posts (with links, please!)
- My most recent Thanksgiving post is one of my favorites because as a parent we get caught up in the day to day of how we teach our kids to be nice but do we teach them to be grateful: Thankful Times
- Next is one of my earlier ones where I share my favorite go-to breakfast treats: Bountiful Beginnings
- And the last is one of my most viewed posts and a favorite locally in the column that I write for my local paper: Don’t Let a Minute Pass You By
What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
That is a good question. I admit, I am doing this for me. If someone finds this and it goes somewhere, that would be wonderful.
My real pleasure is in letting my friends and family read my posts and hear their reactions. I even catch my kids reading what I put up every day. It has been hard, though. From setting up the website to fielding complaints and criticism, I have hung in there and every post gets easier.
I feel like it’s my site so people will either stop and check it out or click on. I just hope they stay for a while.
You are one busy lady–yet you consistently try to throw down healthy, delicious meals for your family. Have you always liked to cook?
I have always loved to cook but I really didn’t take it very seriously until I was married. I was like ‘Who me? I have to feed us? What should I make?”
From then on I made it a point to always be learning, searching out new and exciting recipes. Healthy, fast and family-friendly doesn’t have to be boring OR gourmet to be good!
If you could sit down to dinner with four other people, living or dead, who would it be?
Gosh, that is a hard one. I would say Michelle Obama, Julia Child, Morgan Freeman and Curtis Stone. Morgan Freeman has a winery, I can’t pass that one up!
Where does your culinary inspiration come from?
I am inspired in equal parts from real, true chefs and their culinary hits and misses. That is where the real action is. What real people cook and how they eat. My other source of inspiration is my family.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing the look on their faces when I plunk down a meal that they have anticipated and watch them devour it.
Consider Me Culinary (Culinarily?) Inspired
After reading BasilMomma, I’m ready to get back in the kitchen and do some damage! Thanks to Heather for stopping by little Indiana today.
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