Destinations Magazine

Indiana Bloggers: Hoosier Updates from Around the Web 1/12/2013 — 1/19/2013

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

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Indiana Blogs: Hoosier Updates from Around the Web!

Indiana Blogs: Hoosier Updates from Around the Web!

I thought it would be fun to highlight one article each week from the Hoosier bloggers you know and love. You know, previously Featured little Indiana Bloggers!

The blogs and the content will vary. With over 50 Featured Bloggers at this point, well, like a box of Indiana-made chocolates, you never know what you are going to get–but you know it will be good.

If you are an Indiana blogger and would like to be featured on little Indiana, please let me know via email (with subject: Indiana Blog) or in the comments below. Now, let’s get caught up with what our Hoosier bloggers were doing this week!

Indiana Blogs: Hoosier Blogger Updates

The categories may change each week but look for the bold-faced category items to easily navigate to the topics you prefer.


Goodeness Gracious: Skillet Chicken – Destined to become a family favorite–and not too bad for you either!

Girls in White Dresses: Menu Plan Monday -- A whole week’s worth of meal planning with links to the recipes.

Everyday Moms Meals: It’s a Trend Recipe posting on a Monday two times in a row  has caught her off-guard–but she had to share Apple Cinnamon Scones recipe.


Walking the Off-beaten Path: Keeping the Critters Warm in the Winter How cows keep warm in the winter on one Hoosier farm.

Tales from the Coop Keeper: Sacred Sounds “Enjoy your day because this is your life”–and here is a peek at a life that may kind of resemble your own.

Just like the Number: First Class An untimely death leaves behind memories of joy.

Jean’s Boots are Made for Talking: Acts of Leontien

That Darn Kat: When it’s Better to be Scarlett — You have a choice to make: will you add an item to your to do list or will you sit on it until tomorrow?

A Latte with Ott, A: Wintery Snow-Themed Party with Hot Cocoa Bar – If it’s  going to be cold, we might as well try to enjoy it. Before we know it, temperatures will be hot and humid!

Hoosier Farm Babe Tells Tales: Lessons from Leontien — One month, thirty-four acts of kindness. How would you honor a memory?

Eternal Lizdom: 3 Day Detox Cleanse Get rid of the garbage from processed foods and get your body back to where it should be.

Three Kids and Lots of Pigs: Life Lessons Learned from Leontien — This gone-too-soon blogger and Netherlands transplant touched the heart of many–see how another blogger honors her memory on what would have been her 34th birthday.

Education and Crafts

An Indiana Mom: Free Fun Science Event

Walking by the Way: BOBS Books Printables {Set 2, Books 1-3} — It’s back! More printables in this popular and educational series.



Arrows Sent Forth:

Historic Indianapolis: Room With A View – Robert Indiana’s ‘Numbers’ – Indianapolis Museum of Art – An image of a room with a view.

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