Diaries Magazine

In The Spotlight: Holistic Massage With Lotus.

By Parentingsmh @parentingsmh
                                                      In The Spotlight: Holistic Massage With Lotus.
Last Thursday Ifeatured my good friends and momprenuers Aisha and Christine of Hartlyn Kids.  That was the beginning of my newblog feature called "In The Spotlight" which focuses on women whoinspire me and hopefully will inspire you too. These are strong women who are following there own path and making adifference in their communities and in the lives of others. 
When you're aserious go getter, or a busy mom, you tend to wear stress on your sleeve like abadge of courage.  Forget about the club,with full time jobs, children, husbands, and whatever else we have going on,sometimes a girl just needs a spa day.
That's where my newbestie Gigi at Lotus Therapeutic Massage comes in with aserious dose of R & R.
That's right.  Good old fashioned rest and relaxation. 
Gigi founded Lotuson holistic ideals.  She focuses onnatural wellness through massage, nail therapy, and yoga.  This isn't your traditional spa with conveyorbelt services.  Oh no.  Lotus is the real deal.  The therapists have a combined experience of25 years and they have a loyal customer base.
Check out a promovideo for additional details about their services.

After a few yearsworking a 9 to 5 in DC, Gigi made the big leap and stepped out on faith to makea difference in the lives of others through holistic massage therapy.  With the support of her husband and family,Gigi has been able to grow her business and become a go to massage salon forthe Annapolis community.
In The Spotlight: Holistic Massage With Lotus.
Gigi is the fearlessleader, and owner of Lotus Therapeutic Massage and she is, in one word,awesome.  She grew up in Egypt and is abelly dancing hottie who can read and write Arabic (I'm writing this post inexchange for language lessons for my boys, just kidding).
Okay so maybe I'm alittle biased because she's my son's godmother, but don't hold that against me.
I met Gigi a few years ago at my engagement party, and her warm, bubbly personality won me overimmediately.  She's totally down to earthand really real.
What's  more amazing is how  she started her journey toentrepreneurship.  Lotus recentlycelebrated it's one year anniversary at their location in Annapolis, MD, butbefore that, Gigi was operating as a mobile massage therapist.

In The Spotlight: Holistic Massage With Lotus.

Happy Spaversary!

If that isn'tdriven, I don't know what is.

It's not easy totake the leap and fire your boss.  So,how did she does do it and still find balance?
Well, like most ofus, she's still working on it, but she remains positive about whatever setbacksshe faces and keeps pushing forward. 
Time for your nextmassage or nail therapy?  Visit LotusTherapeutic Massage in Annapolis or go online and purchase a gift card for afriend. 
It gets better.  Now through Monday September 5th, enter theLotus Summer 2011 photo and story contest for a chance to win a free 60 minutemassage.  Visit them on Facebook for details.

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