The war on drugs plays out as a war on the millions of people who use drugs. – Editors of the BMJ
There’s a club in Brentwood [Missouri] where you can get tied up and whipped, right next to both a church and a preschool…These parties happen one Saturday night a month in the American Legion Hall…near St. Mary Magdalene…The legion hall shares a driveway with the Elaine Rossi Academy for Children. A playground sits directly behind. The…event is called FLOG…[a snitch claims] her fear is the alcohol at the events, leading her to question whether the participants are really consenting…but Susan Wright…with the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom…said…FLOG’s rules [state]…You must leave if you’re intoxicated…she points out FLOG is a nonprofit club, not a business, that would be subjected to liquor laws…The pre-school next door…said they are aware of FLOG and that the monthly event does not take place at a time when there would be anything going on at the school…
Just protecting and serving: “…a civil court jury ruled that Chicago [cop] Scott Korhonen sexually assaulted a 20-year-old black man with a screwdriver. The taxpayers will pay $4 million to the victim. They will also continue to pay…Korhonen’s salary, because he gets to keep his job…” For more cop hijinks from Chicago, see the next item.
Do as they say, not as they do:
…Chicago [cop] William Whitley…was arrested…for sex trafficking of a minor and production of child pornography…[for paying] girls as young as 14…for sex at parties, at his apartment, and even in his car with his partner present. Whitley was also found to have taken graphic photos of the girls…a federal investigation into him was launched in September 2015…after the 14-year-old was arrested on outstanding warrants after being picked up in an FBI-orchestrated prostitution sting…Whitley…admitted to having sex…with…her…but claimed that he did not know she was underage…His file reveals at least 28 complaints against him, going back as far as 1991…
Neither Addiction Nor Epidemic
This is the kind of sick mind that believes in “porn addiction”:
A Christian pastor in Minnesota offered advice to a grieving husband whose wife suffered a miscarriage, suggesting his “struggle with lust and pornography” somehow contributed to the couples’ loss…Piper went on to insist god punishes people for their sins, and that “discipline” from god may “come in the form of harm, even death, to others that we love, as well as ourselves”…
The FBI has signed a contract with Dataminr, a company that sifts through the Twitter newsfeed to identify issues and trends in real time. Dataminr will…give the FBI the capability to search the complete Twitter firehose in real time, using customized filters…the FBI will now have access to all messages written on Twitter, and will be able to search through the messages for key words and phrases, providing a level of social media monitoring that had been unavailable until now. They will be able to use Dataminr’s proprietary algorithms and geolocation tools to sift through the entirety of messages posted by Twitter’s 317 million average monthly users worldwide…the FBI noted that social media platforms are used by…“criminal organizations to further their illegal activity”…Criminal activities could include communication…Twitter’s Developer Agreement…states specifically that surveillance of Twitter users is prohibited in situations that would normally require a court order or subpoena. It also specifically bans any use of Twitter API or Twitter content by a government entity…
Remember, sex workers are “criminals”, so sex worker groups are “criminal organizations” and our ads are “criminal activity”.
…[pig and fetishist] Mike Ferjak says it’s important [for the continuation of the hysteria] not to doubt the validity of human trafficking survivor’s stories…Ferjak [fantasizes] victims are recruited at the mall, school or in online chat rooms under a false promise of a dancing or modeling career…their picture and description are posted on buyer boards like “Backpage”…then [literally] sold in our own [literal] backyards. “When we saw the NCAA tournaments here earlier this year, Polk County saw a 45-percent increase in the number of persons being offered for sale”…He says that same spike happens during the 80/35 music festival, the Downtown Farmer’s Market and even the Iowa State Fair…Iowa is in the prime location for it due to interstates 35 and 80…
It’s not to hard to guess what this cornpone is doing while spinning his fantasies of raped teen girls.
Scum like Webber imagine they have the right to treat whole neighborhoods like their private estates:
…conductor Julian Lloyd Webber says his prestigious neighbourhood has become blighted by vice dens. The musician has launched a fight against the illegal brothels after his wife…cellist Jiaxin Cheng, was mistaken for a sex worker…
Don’t want to worry about neighbors? Buy yourself a country house on some land, you pompous twit.
Though their condemnation of the drug war is still far too timid and they still give far too much respect to the idea that drug use is a social ill, it’s great to see so many physicians coming out against prohibition:
…the…esteemed British Medical Journal…followed [The Lancet in] urging governments to “investigate more effective alternatives to criminalisation of drug use and supply.” The…editorial notes that consumption of psychoactive substances is an ancient and persistent aspect of human behavior and that attempts to suppress it have had horrendous consequences, including crime driven by artificially high drug prices, promotion of blood-borne diseases, deaths linked to unpredictable potency and unreliable quality, and “appalling violence”…Because doctors “have ethical responsibilities to champion individual and public health, human rights, and dignity and to speak out where health and humanity are being systemically degraded,” the editors argue, they “should use their authority to lead calls for pragmatic reform informed by science and ethics”…
Criminal laws “informed by science and ethics”? LOL.
Once again: if you think it matters whether a rapist cop was “on duty” or not at the time of the rape, you are part of the problem: “…agents with the SC Law Enforcement Division arrested a…[cop who raped three] women…while on duty…William McKinley Littlejohn was [merely] charged with three counts of misconduct in office…” but
Prosecutors are recommending a…Wapato [Washington cop] be sentenced to [merely] six months on electronic home monitoring after he pleaded guilty to third-degree rape. Travis Disney…raped a…woman he knew while off duty…Disney will have to register as a sex offender for 10 years…
I can’t recall a more obvious case of a judge being intimidated into backing down from a ruling:
It looked like the courts would once again save us from prosecutorial overreach aimed at…Backpage—and in so doing, reaffirm the protection under federal law and the First Amendment that’s afforded third-party publishers of online content. On Wednesday morning, Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Michael Bowman indicated that he would reject California’s case against Backpage CEO Carl Ferrer and two former site owners on charges of pimping, pimping a minor, and conspiracy. In a tentative ruling, Bowman agreed with the defense that the federal Communications Decency Act prohibits the charges against Ferrer and co-defendants Michael Lacey and James Larkin…he wrote…”Congress has spoken on this matter and it is for Congress, not this court, to revisit”…[but mere hours later] the judge…said he won’t dismiss the pimping charges just yet and would like more briefings from both sides before deciding whether to make the tentative ruling final…