May 29, 2021 by Maggie McNeill
Instead of...a chicken in every pot, Biden...promises an auditor at every kitchen table. - Chuck Grassley
To Molest and Rape (#1013)

Give aggressive thugs power over teen girls; what could possibly go wrong?
I Spy (#1064)A [cop assigned to terrorize students] the Chouteau Public School District...[was arrested by other] Oklahoma [cops for molesting a student]...Dale Tillotson...faces a lewd molestation charge [for sexual assault while wearing his magic clown costume]...
Looks like we're going to have to rethink the safety of the mail:
Unsafe for Human Consumption (#1071)The [US] post office's law enforcement arm has faced intense congressional scrutiny in recent weeks over its Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP), which tracks social media posts of Americans and shares that information with [cop shops and spook houses]...the program...includes analysts who assume fake identities online, use sophisticated intelligence tools and employ facial recognition[cluding]...Clearview AI...Other tools...include Zignal Labs' software,[s] keyword searches on social media event pages...[and] create and maintain anonymous, untraceable email and social media accounts...
Now that the pandemic is fading, cops are back to their usual panics:
Guinea Pigs (#1083)A Michigan [cop] collapsed during a traffic stop after he [had a panic attack due] to [hysteria over] fentanyl...[he] was [root]ing [in] a vehicle [that was none of his business] and adjusted his face mask...[then got the vapors] and f[ainted. Imagining]...he could be overdosing, his partner administered Narcan and the [placebo effect stopped the attack]...Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is [not an aerosol and is so difficult to absorb through the skin that fentanyl patches for pain treatment rely on patented technology that took years to develop]... according to [actual pharmacologists] ...
Civil rights violations often start with whores, but never stop with us:
...In the name of catching tax dodgers, the Biden administration is seeking serious snooping rights to oversee all American bank accounts and payment apps...87,000 new IRS employees would be hired and everyone could expect more scrutiny of the flow of money to and from their financial[luding]...Paypal and Venmo...It's how the administration proposes paying for the massive new spending measures in Biden's American Families Plan...The administration [claim]s...this...would only affect extremely wealthy tax scofflaws. But the extremely wealthy know they get extra IRS scrutiny and already have all sorts of tricks for shielding income...from regulators' view. Rather, it's the folks who sometimes get paid "under the table" for informal gig work...who [would be targeted]...After all, those 87,000 new employees can't all be catching wily millionaires and billionaires...the IRS would have an unprecedented ability even the tiniest bits of unreported income...
Biden adores surveillance, and dreams of dramatically increasing every variety whether the Constitution allows it or not.
Do As I Say, Not As I Do (#1088)It's so nice to see them feeding on their own for a change:
Torture Chamber (#1121)A [typical and representative] New Jersey [cop named Christopher Walls] is facing a list of serious charges after [other cops] discovered a methamphetamine lab inside of his home...[when his girlfriend] called t[hem because he beat her up]...Walls had everything...he needed to manufacture meth, along with...books related to "making methamphetamine, explosives, and poison...
Clearly, this is all Trump's doing:
To Molest and Rape (#1140)More than 4,500 immigrant children and teens are being held in enormous, filthy tents on a military base in Texas without access to basic necessities, including underwear...The [camp], which is largely populated by teenage boys, is housed at Fort Bliss, an Army base near El Paso...In [government propaganda], these [camps are] shelters...for kids who are waiting to be reunited with the United States. In fact...the Biden administration
is holding "tens of thousands of asylum-seeking children in an opaque network of some 200 facilities"...[that even] Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra [admits are]...not fit for...them...lice...are...[spread]ing...and [a whistleblower reported that]..."We have already caught staff [molesting] minors"...
Good riddance to bad rubbish:
A Texas [cop] killed himself...just after admitting he had sexually abused children...Robert Johnson...had a six-hour standoff with other [cops] before he died by suicide on [May 19th]. He admitted to being involved in several child sexual assaults...[and] implicated two other [cops, Christina McKay and Chonda Shalett Williams] in the crimes...