April 28, 2021 by Maggie McNeill
They will still be criminalizing...our landlords, friends, drivers, and customers. - Maya Morena
Tempest Storm, the legendary burlesque star who blazed a trail for strip-tease artists for more than a half-century, has died. She was 93...Storm had been struggling after surgery on her right hip on April 8...In 1956, she became the highest-paid burlesque performer in history when she signed a 10-year contract at $100,000 a year with the Bryan-Engels burlesque production company. Soon after signing that deal, Storm married Herb Jeffries, the singer in Duke Ellington's Orchestra known as Hollywood's first singing black cowboy. Seen as scandalous at the time, Storm would say the marriage cost her a potentially lucrative film career...Storm first performed in Las Vegas in 1951...and as late as 1987...She was 59 at the time...
We did warn y'all that this wouldn't stop with actual sex workers:
...it's become increasingly clear...that the World Wide Web is...[no longer] a particularly hospitable place for...sex that deviates in any way from social norms. Polyamorous dating app #Open...was removed from the Google Play Store for allegedly violating Google's "Sexual Content and Profanity policy"...for including the words "threesomes," "3some," "DTF" and "kinky dates"...[because] they "imply sexual gratification." After removing the offending terms...the app was eventually reinstated..."without any notice...from Google," following a nine-day suspension...[Creators Amanda] Wilson and [David] Epstein claim the suspension significantly damaged their business, costing #Open an estimated 2,000 potential new members...as well as causing the app to lose its position as the number one dating app to appear in searches for "polyamory"...
Oh noes, it damaged their business! Surely that has never happened to the millions of sex workers Wilson & Epstein don't give a shit about, thanks to these terrible policies they never opposed until they were harmed.
Another sexual predator specifically targets traumatized women:
Welcome to the Future (#1092)A [typical and representative cop] who [stalked] four vulnerable domestic abuse victims has been dismissed for "appalling" gross misconduct...Colin Noble...[of] West Midlands Police...[was] secretly recorded...[by one woman aking her for] nudes...He a[sked another to show him]...her breasts...other complainants [produced]...a "catalogue of completely inappropriate comments" [he made] between 2014 and 2017...he turned up at [one victim's] house unannounced up to 30 times, telling her she was "too pretty" for her boyfriend...[and] asking...if she had "ever slept with a black man"...[another] lied about having moved away from the Midlands to stop his calls...
In a just world, every politician in Pasco County would be jailed & the cop shop shut down:
Castle on a CloudThe U.S. Department of Education has opened an investigation into...Pasco [County, Florida] school [bureaucrats' violation of] federal law by sharing private student information with the...Sheriff's Office...the school district shared information on student grades, discipline and attendance with [pigs, who then] used the data to compile a secret list of s[tudents] it [ targeted for harassment based on claims that they] could "fall into a life of crime"...The school district has...repeated[ly lied, claiming that giving thugs information they could use to ruin young people's lives is] a..."proper use of student information"...The Sheriff's Office...[lied] that the program does not label kids as potential criminals, despite what its own manual says...
Putting stock in what politicians only say is like trying to build a castle on a cloud:
Guinea Pigs (#1108)The Manhattan district attorney's office announced...it would no longer prosecute prostitution and unlicensed massage...Cyrus R. Vance Jr....[claimed] his office had fully shifted its approach to prostitution [but this is a lie, because]... The office will continue to prosecute other [consensual] crimes related to prostitution, including [giving] sex workers [money] and sex [workers working together, keeping incalls, and other mundane practices demonized by prohibitionists as "trafficking"]...Vance's move [appears to be intended to confuse voters who support his political opponent Eliza Orlins, who is calling for the actual decriminalization of sex work rather than Vance's de facto Swedish criminalization]...
Lest you think this is strictly a Chinese pathology, follow the subtitle link:
The Last Shall Be First (#1128)China's Communist government has launched a new app that encourages citizens to report [others] for expressing "mistaken opinions" on the Internet...The new platform will target anyone who criticizes the dictatorship's ruling CCP, disputes the official version of the country's history or engages in "misinformation...and denying Party, national and military history in an attempt to confuse people's thinking"...China already operates an onerous social credit score system that bans people from using transportation and engaging in other basic functions of society if they commit minor [sins] like jaywalking or buying too much junk food...
Since their "bathroom bills" kept getting struck down, transphobes are now trying to accomplish their goals by criminalizing doctors:
The mother of a transgender boy made a powerful speech [to] Texas [politicians], urging them not to pass legislation that would criminalize parents who allowed their children to receive [gender] affirming procedures...There are more than 10 [current] bills in Texas that specifically target transgender youth...Two [of them] would classify a medical practitioner helping a [legal minor] to transition as "abuse"...[another] would prevent liability insurance coverage for gender-affirming surgeries and treatments for [minors]...Several other states are considering anti-trans legislation [including]... Missouri ...