Fashion Magazine

In Or Out? Nose Piercings

By Koridonahue @blondeepisodes
In or Out? Nose Piercings
It's been about 10 years since I had my nose pierced.  I only kept mine in for a bit, and of course got it pierced over the summer, when you get bored and decide to do something fun.  I love the look of a simple stud in the nose.  I've heard mixed reactions from friends and family, some love it, some hate it.  So, my question is, do you have a nose piercing, or are you thinking about getting one?  If you do have one or are about to get one, you should know there are several types of jewelry to choose from.  When I got mine, I wanted 14k gold to avoid irritation.  If you have no idea what type of jewelry you want or how to begin, I've come across a few sites with great resources to guide you!  Get started with your body jewelry purchase at Fresh Trends.  Here are a few of my favorite nose ring looks.  Have a great day!!!
In or Out? Nose Piercings
In or Out? Nose Piercings
In or Out? Nose Piercings
In or Out? Nose Piercings
In or Out? Nose Piercings
In or Out? Nose Piercings
In or Out? Nose Piercings
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