I came across this draft when cleaning out my blog posts, and it was great reminder to myself of who I am and who I am working to be everyday. It is the heart of why I started blogging and I wanted to share my journey with you all.
In my realest of real, I am just a mother who wants to live with no regrets. I'll have time to shop by myself and try on outfits when my kids are in college. My husband and I will have the time to eat dinners together when the twins are out with their friends at the movies. And, I will have Saturday mornings to cultivate a vegetable garden when they are sleeping till noon.
But for now, I will enjoy watching the cartoons, Lego Chima and Sam & Cat. I will cook breakfast and pour the milk. I will spend my first hour awake getting everyone ready and out the door. I will enjoy holding hands, walking downtown and being the only one who can open a bottle of water.
I will be tired but my heart will be happy knowing that I am on the side of right and never one to give up.
I have not lost myself in my children, I have become the woman I am because of them. I have a greater purpose than myself and it has never been more clear of who I am.
It's just my thoughts, man. (in a Jay Z voice)