Life Coach Magazine

In Love It's Not Enough....

By Saurabh2461986 @saurabhslounge

A romantic couple in the rain

Image credit: here

Implacable advances
Drawing me in
Desire to take the chances
Feelings so akin
This cool zephyr
Blowing her auburn hair
Pearl droplets giving pleasure
On the skin so fair
Beauty so fabulous
Motives could be ulterior
For a moment I felt pusillanimous
As she seemed superior
Love or crush she is
Decision so tough
It had to be a wet kiss
Oh! I couldn't have enough...
Ulterior:- It means existing beyond what is obvious, intentionally concealed.
Pusillanimous:- It means lack of courage or timid.
Zephyr:- It means a gentle, mild breeze
Click here to read The wetness...

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