Long time no update. I had a whole host of posts (extra points for rhymes!) almost ready to go but not quite and then I just didn’t really feel like even logging in. So there you have it. Since Ryan has left my days and nights pretty much go something like this:

But shouldn’t you be running?! Why yes, I should be running but methinks I need to repeat week 6 of Couch-to-5K as I’ve been half-arsing along. Don’t hold it against me. And now, without further adieu, some stuff on that very ‘special relationship‘ of which I’ve been doing my bit for since 2009.
I’ve been asked “So when are you getting married?” an absolutely ungodly amount of times this rather family-heavy social past weekend. Unfortunately, my response of “Um, you do know that I’m only twenty, right?” seems to segue the discussion into how ever two people can keep a relationship going if they are not positively surrounded by each other night and day. *eye roll* And because Ryan has made it back to Old Blighty by now I suppose I am technically in the midst of a long-distance transatlantic relationship, officially. (I’m pretty sure there should be more commas in there but whatever.) So in honor of the transatlantic relationship, and all those who have gone before us in both print, film, and real life, I offer this run down.
First up, NY-LON. Horrible title, I know. CHI-LON has a better ring to it if you ask me. “Filmed in London and on location in New York’s Lower East Side, NY-LON follows the troubled romance between a bohemian New York record store clerk, Edie, and London stock broker Michael, after their chance meeting in his city.” via IMDb

Next, 84 Charing Cross Road. I haven’t actually read/seen this so haven’t a clue if it’s any good. It’s more friendship than romantical, but what the heck. I figure if they could keep up a friendship for 20 years based purely on letters then they probably would have been a fine married couple. “True story of a transatlantic business correspondence about used books that developed into a close friendship.” via IMDb

This list would not be complete without Hugh Grant, the infamous lover of American ladies (at least in film). While Four Weddings and a Funeral has Carrie stationed up in Scotland and not over in the US, I rather like it so it’s making the cut. Transatlantic can be a mindset, you know. “The film follows the fortunes of Charles and his friends as they wonder if they will ever find true love and marry. Charles thinks he’s found “Miss Right” in Carrie, an American. This British subtle comedy revolves around Charlie, his friends and the four weddings and one funeral which they attend.” via IMDb

Next, The Holiday. “Two women troubled with guy-problems swap homes in each other’s countries, where they each meet a local guy and fall in love.” via IMDb If only Jude Law wasn’t suck a prick.

Wallis Simpson. Haven’t heard of her? Well I think this description just about covers it: “This is the story of the American divorcee notorious for allegedly seducing a British king off his throne.” The royal family isn’t bitter though. That Woman: The Life of Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor has been put at the top of my summer reading list. (via Amazon)

Further reading around the Web:
Lisa Kerr on the difference between American & British men. (via The Lisa Kerr)
What is it about British men? Cheap, drunk, and stiff lipped. (via The New York Times)
Why American women are sexier than British women — by a man who knows. (via The Guardian) LOL.
American women & British men. (via I Say Tomato)
Stay away, American women, say British men. (via The Seattle Times)
Date expectations. What’s up with US women? (via The Guardian)
Why British blokes REALLY are the best – even if you are a Hollywood star. (via Mirror)
A Brit on the side – why American girls love our guys. (via The Sun)