
In Conversation with Douglas Coupland

Posted on the 06 September 2013 by Jennifervillamere
Fuck David Sedaris. Douglas Coupland is the real literary rock star.
Creating words? That's Shakespeare territory, yo. Yet the hallowed Coupland invented "McJob" and popularized "Generation X."
Also, he's a shit-hot visual artist and designer, so suck it Sedaris and Shakespeare. (Or not. Whatever. You know what? I'm a big Sedaris fan. But fuuuuck Shakespeare.)
Coupland's got a new novel coming out in October called Worst. Person. Ever. He describes it as “filthy, sweary and juvenile.” I wager we'll be describing it as "awesome."

In conversation with Douglas Coupland

I think it's about the rhubarb lady.

I talked to him on Twitter yesterday. Here's what happened:
I can just resend that tit shot to your hotmail. No big deal.
— Jennifer Villamere (@jenvillamere) September 6, 2013

It was a 5 mb pdf, but who knows what else hasn't arrived.
— Doug Coupland (@DougCoupland) September 6, 2013

@jenvillamere Har!
— Doug Coupland (@DougCoupland) September 6, 2013

@DougCoupland You should try this new service, AOL. Is awesome. Also, I think we did computers together at The Banff Centre 100 years ago.
— Jennifer Villamere (@jenvillamere) September 6, 2013
And you know what? We DID do computers together 100 years ago at The Banff Centre. We worked on HorizonZero together, something that I likely recall more vividly than he does.
My work on HorizonZero aimed to foster the development and raise the profile of Canadian new media art and design by engaging cultural and media diversity and fostering dialogues between new media practitioners and their audiences.
Now I harass Canadian icons on Twitter.

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