Fashion Magazine

In Bloom (aka Still Obsessed with My Camera)

By Alustforallseasons @bgstrzelczyk
In bloom (aka still obsessed with my camera)In bloom (aka still obsessed with my camera) In bloom (aka still obsessed with my camera)In bloom (aka still obsessed with my camera) When I came home last night, I noticed the sun was doing some pretty cool things to the tree in front of my house. (For the record: That may be one of the lamest sentences I've ever written.) Since I am now officially an amateur photographer, I immediately ran inside, yelled something to Jack like "THE TREE LOOKS SOO COOL!", grabbed my Nikon, and started snapping away.
Thanks to a semester in Venice (college rules), I know the basics of manual mode on my fancy camera -- but otherwise I'm still a total beginner. But I'm pretty please with the variety of shots I got playing around with shutter speed and aperture.
Just don't ask me what I did or to do it again.

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