Gardening Magazine

In Bloom

By Stephanie
Some flowers stay open for days, and some open and close within the same day itself. Regardless, they are ever-alluring! 

They are attractive in their own ways. Some blooms have brilliant colours, some have fantastic structure and shape while others have bewitching scent. I love them all :-D 

In Bloom

The Dwarf Ixora plant in the background of the pic below is one of those plants that will just flower non-stop. The shade of the pink, though not deep, is very outstanding against the glossy green leaves. These days when the weather is more moderate, it flowers a lot better and I am seeing lots of pinks all over the short shrub. In the foreground is my orange Hibiscus, my bright Sunkist bloom :-)

In Bloom

The side view of the Hibiscus blooms is quite amazing. Don't they look like flying saucers or spinning tops?

In Bloom

Hibiscus has been one of my favorite flowers. My neighbour's mom must have noticed it. One day, she brought me a Hibiscus she propagated herself using a stem cutting. She told me it is a very beautiful pink Hibiscus. I got a little worry when I saw that the bud was red...
In Bloom

But when it opened, I was so thrilled to see the flower and it is indeed a gorgeous pink one! Below is the first bloom of the plant... 

In Bloom

So, my Hibiscus rosa-sinensis collection has extended now with this Double Pink one. Pic below shows its second bloom...
In Bloom

Small blooms that grow in clusters like the white Plumbago are always a welcoming sight to behold. They look light and graceful. Love to see them popping up from the container at the side of my garden. 

In Bloom

These twinkling stars are the blooms of my Serissa foetida. They are more obvious when more flowers appear at the same time. It's a delight watching them especially in the mornings when the sun is not too harsh.

In Bloom

The scent of the blooms of Hoya publicalyx is very strong in the night. They always make me amazed when they put out a show like this... 

Hey, I have never pampered this vine, I just let it flourish itself...

In Bloom

Four o-clocks have sweet scent as well! They blossom in the evenings and fade by the next morning yet never go unnoticed as they have bright colours also besides the scent.

In Bloom

Have a great week!

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