Hair & Beauty Magazine

Impromptu Breakfast Date with Myself

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
Impromptu Breakfast Date with Myself
Sometimes you have to do something just for you. Not something for your job, or your family, or your friends, or for your future. Something just for you, to make you feel good. 

This morning I went on a solo breakfast date to Luna Cafe (if you're in Philly its on Market between 3rd and 4th). It's a place I pass daily on my commute. Occasionally I grab a breakfast sandwich to-go on my walk past it. Today I decided I would stop, sit down, and have breakfast. The food was good (I had scrambled eggs, wheat toast, bacon and an orange/ginger/carrot juice), the service was good, but even better was the time spent with myself. The thirty or so minutes where I just chilled. 
I had a late work event last night so I pretty much went straight to bed when I got home. This morning I had a diaper situation that required me to put BabyCakes in the bathtub, and start her laundry, so that ate into any morning free time I would have had. 
Sitting and eating breakfast was a great way to re-calibrate my day. Now I'm ready to handle the world!
What have you done for yourself lately?

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