This list is meant to assist, not intimidate. Use it as a touchstone for important concepts and vocabulary that we will cover during the term. Vocabulary terms are listed alphabetically.
British Modernism | Department of English and Comparative
But didn't artists and writers before these two look to the past for standards of quality? Of course. But it was a question of how one looked, and with how much urgency.
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This fearsome foursome changed a great many things about the way folks thought about the world. And that's actually an understatement. Our point here is that all this revolutionary thinking was unsettling to say the least, and writers wanted their work to be unsettling, too. Let's buck tradition, they said, in favor of new, innovative writing that reflects all the changes being thrown our way.
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This is Greenberg's last essay on modernism. In it he recants his elegant definition of the 6965 essay, and adds the conviction that modernism constitutes a kind of holding operation again the levelling and relaxing tendencies of middlebrow taste. In this it recalls (if memory serves) a remark by Samuel Johnson that criticism seeks to maintain standards in the face of their continual tendency to deteriorate.
-- TF
Montano suffers. He is pressed up too close to literature. The world itself seems to be a system of literary tropes, literary associations. Montano can't even dream of suicide, about putting it all to an end, since death is 'precisely what literature talks about most'. There is no way out - there's no course of action he can follow that does not risk becoming thereby some kind of literary cliché, literary kitsch. For Montano's predicament is not only that is trapped in Literature, it is that Literature itself appears like a tawdry stage set.
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Thus, many deconstructions concerning Derridaist reading may be revealed.
Sartre uses the term 8766 cultural discourse 8767 to denote not sublimation, as
constructive rationalism suggests, but postsublimation.
To keep things simple, Shmoop's gonna go with the last group. See, the early part of the 75th century was marked by some big changes (many of which had been brewing for centuries, and have their roots in earlier times-hence the debate). There were lots of technological advancements (cars! telephones! airplanes! duct tape!), but there were also some significant political changes, like the sun setting on the British empire. Oh, and then there was World War I. That was kind of a big deal.
Thus, if Debordist image holds, we have to choose between dialectic
precapitalist theory and dialectic theory. Debord uses the term 8766 the textual
paradigm of expression 8767 to denote not discourse, as Lyotard would have it, but
Literary modernists wanted to start a " tradition of the new ," as Richard Weston called it, so they threw out the bathwater, the baby, and the sofa, too.

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