As you now are on Google+ most of the time and since you already have started porting your photos from other services to Picasa. Its time to sizzle your Google+ profile with some awesome photos you have had on your Instagram stream.

Enter Instaport, it’s a free web app which allows you to download whole of your Instagram content on your hard drive. Don’t worry you don’t have to do it one-by-one. All happens swiftly.
- Go to, login to your Instagram account and authorize the app.
- Under ‘Choose export Service’, select ‘Download .zip file’ and click ‘Start Export’.
- A .zip file would be downloaded to your hard drive. Unzip this file to your preferred location.
- Login to Google+ > Profile > Photos > UPLOAD NEW PHOTOS > now choose the photos from the unzipped location which you want to upload.
Within few minutes all your instagram photos would be moved to Picasa for free.
Check the our other featured post on Best tools for Google+ ( you don’t wanna miss this one for sure )