Destinations Magazine

Images from Jefferson Street Barbecue in Converse, Indiana

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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Why do so many folks think you need to head out of state to find the best barbecue when there are places like Jefferson Street Barbecue in Converse, Indiana?

This Converse, Indiana BBQ joint looks like something straight from the web pages of popular photo site Pinterest! It’s very sharp–look at those light fixtures!

But the food is the star here. The Pulled Pork Wrap was memorable and definitely what I would recommend. In fact, I could go for one right about now. One look at the images from this Indiana town restaurant down below, I think you will, too.

Images from Jefferson Street Barbecue in Converse, Indiana

Jefferson Street BBQ: Converse, Indiana

Jefferson Street BBQ: Converse, Indiana

Jefferson Street BBQ: Converse, Indiana

Jefferson Street BBQ: Converse, Indiana

Jefferson Street BBQ: Converse, Indiana

Jefferson Street BBQ: Converse, Indiana

Jefferson Street BBQ: Converse, Indiana

Jefferson Street BBQ: Converse, Indiana

Jefferson Street BBQ: Converse, Indiana

Jefferson Street BBQ: Converse, Indiana

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Just don’t forget to tell ‘em that  little Indiana sent you!

Jefferson Street Barbecue
101 N Jefferson Street
Converse, Indiana 46919

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