Creativity Magazine

Illustrator Moons Own Work, Achieves Brilliant Effect

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

I just completed some illustrations for The Rumpus, for an essay which hasn’t been posted yet.

The essay was written in stream of consciousness format, and jumps from one thought to another. I decided to do an illustration based on the following passage:


Summers, we’d go to our family’s cottage, an old green-painted cabin built on an eroding sandhill above Lake Erie. The hill had been blown out from under parts of
the house, including the bedroom I slept in. We called the room “Precipice.”


Here’s the Before shot:

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House balanced precariously on precipice point of mountain, guy sleeping in bed which is hanging out window, night sky with stars but no moon

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And here’s what it looked like after I “mooned” it. No wonder I have a reputation for brilliance… : )

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House balanced precariously on precipice point of mountain, guy sleeping in bed which is hanging out window, night sky with stars and big moon framing teetering house, mountain goat on side of steep mountain

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Have you ever lived in a summer cottage that’s seen better days?

Ever been up high enough to see a real live mountain goat?

Have you ever slept in a bed hanging out a window??

Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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