Fashion Magazine

iFabbo Outfit

By A Mused Blog @Amusedblog
curly natural hair bloggers, ifabbo, ifabbosfcon, blogger conference outfitsMy outfit for the iFabbo Conference last weekend...
iFabbo Outfit
iFabbo Outfit
iFabbo Outfit

curly natural hair bloggers, ifabbo, ifabbosfcon, blogger conference outfits

Sweater: Lush // Jacket: F21 // Pants and necklace: Banana Republic // Heels: Kate Spade //Bag: Coach

Unfortunately I had a really hard time getting these photos to come out! I was doing an interview during one of the breaks during the iFabbo conference, and one of the questions she asked about was to name some of the challenges of blogging. My response was "getting the outfits to translate to the screen!" Sometimes it can be so frustrating: to have an outfit that looks great in actual 3d (well, 4d technically, right?), but for some reason the camera at times just doesn't want to participate.
Oh well!
I'm really proud of this outfit because I managed to mix 3 different patterns! To me it looks pretty effortless (it wasn't), which I love the most. That, and these beautiful Kate Spade heels garnered a lot of love. (Although I will admit that I made sure to bring an extra pair of shoes to hike up and down the SF hills!)
The iFabbo conference was so much fun! I met so many new people, and had some great conversations with others. I was so exhausted from the weekend that I ending up coming home and sleeping for 11 hours straight!
Have you attended a blogger conference before? Do you want to attend one?

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