Debate Magazine

If Democrats Had Their Way…

By Eowyn @DrEowyn


If Democrats Had Their Way…

Remember New Coke? It was a dismal failure and the company scrapped it. How about three slice toasters? They were supposed to be the rage once, too. But nobody bought them and they disappeared into the dustbin of history.

That’s how life works in the private sector. If people don’t buy and the product doesn’t deliver, it disappears. Companies and individuals are forced to develop winning strategies in order to survive. If not, they perish.

The policies of the Democratic Party are not like that. The policies of the Democratic Party — high taxes, exorbitant union contracts and pensions, excessive government regulation, gun control, dysfunctional schools, etc. — continue to produce one failed program after another, yet they are fully supported by an average of 52% of the voting public. If they operated in the private sector, they would be forced into bankruptcy. However, because they are funded by our tax dollars, they have a never-ending spigot of cash flowing into their coffers. In essence, they are rewarded for failing.

Detroit is a city that has been under complete Democratic control for over forty years. And when I say complete, I mean complete. Every official, every policy, every decision affecting Detroit has come 100% from the Democratic Party and their supporters. The result? Bankruptcy.

Detroit is $2.5 billion in debt. That’s billion, with a “b”. Thousands of homes, buildings, and businesses are vacant and abandoned, and two thirds of the city’s street lights do not work.

Detroit is America’s most dangerous city with a violent crime rate five times higher than the national average. It’s the murder capital of the country, and — because it’s under Democratic control — Detroit has strict gun control laws.

In short, Detroit is a hellhole. A man-made, Democratic-Party-created hellhole. And it’s exactly what all of America would look like if Democrats had their way.

Detroit is not an aberration. It is a direct result of Democratic leadership and how applying the principles of the Democratic Party actually play out in real life. It’s as simple as 1 + 1 = 2. You do this action, you get this result.

If Detroit shows all of us the natural consequence of what happens when the Democratic Party gets its way, why do people support it? Why do tens of millions of Americans continue to vote for Democrats? The answer, I believe, consists of five distinct elements within the Democratic Party.

In the first group are the hardcore socialists and communists that form the leadership and financial backing of the Democratic Party. These are the folks that actually hate America and want to destroy it. (See They are the corrupt union leaders, the financial donors, the advisors, the radical college professors and teachers, the leaders of various “equality” groups and causes, the militant feminists, the Islamic extremists, education officials and administrators, and the actual politicians themselves. I estimate their numbers to comprise 5% of less of the Democratic Party.

To this first group, Detroit is a shining example of how they would like all of America to be. Many of them are atheists, or outright satanists, and they hate not only America, but also Christianity, because they see Christians as the primary roadblock that keeps them from turning America into a Communist dictatorship. Death, murder, kidnapping, and rape mean nothing to them if it helps to accomplish their objective.

The second group is big business and union members. The majority of those in this group do not hate America, however they can develop intense hatred toward any individual or group that threatens their current financial status. They support the Democratic Party because it pays.

For big business, that means bailouts, favorable loans, taxpayer subsidies, and government regulation to create monopolies and eliminate competition. You know who I’m talking about: Hollywood, Facebook, Yahoo, Apple, GE, Wall Street, owners of professional sports teams, etc.

For union members, it means maintaining their high salaries, pensions, insurance, and paid holidays. You’ll find many teachers in this group. All together, this second group comprises about 20% of the Democratic Party. They vote for their own personal gain, regardless of how much it hurts their country or their fellow citizens.

The third group consists of the media. I estimate them to comprise 5% or less of the Democratic Party. Like the first group, many of them are hardcore socialists and communists who also hate America, but their hatred is cloaked with a thinly disguised intellectual disdain. They consider themselves smarter than everyone else. Though they are intelligent, they suffer from a total lack of wisdom. If their intellectual superiority is threatened, they can revert to most violent and animalistic of natures, all condoned through intellectual justification.

This third group — the media — do everything they can to obscure reality in order to confuse and indoctrinate the fourth group: Useful Idiots.

“Useful idiot” sounds like a harsh term, but it was actually coined by the Left to describe many of their followers. (See

It saddens me to say that I have many friends, acquaintances, and co-workers in this group. They are nice people. Many of them would give you the shirt of their back, or rush to your aid at the first sign of an emergency. Sadly, they just don’t know very much about history or politics.

Useful idiots have been dumbed down at school and at home. Now in their 20′s, 30′s, 40′s, 50′s, 60′s, and beyond, they continue to believe everything they’re told by the mainstream media. They have been exposed to alternate information only in the form of ridicule. Many of them are so busy working, earning a living, raising families, paying bills, and looking for love that they just don’t have time to read and educate themselves.

I was in the position of not having time to read myself until I was laid off a couple of years ago and actually had time to research what was happening in the country. That’s when I discovered this site, Commieblaster, Moral Matters, and many more.

In this group you will also find many females who have been taught to accept abortion and feminism, and many males who accept abortion and feminism as a means to seduce and sleep with the aforementioned females. (See I estimate useful idiots to comprise a full 40% of the Democratic Party.

The fifth and final leg of the Democratic Party are what I call Useful Leeches. This group consists of all races and ages, and they are far worse than the useful idiots. Useful idiots actually mean well. Useful leeches are angry, bitter, resentful, and believe that the world owes them a living. They survive on government handouts: food stamps, welfare, Section-8, disability, etc., and they hate themselves because of it.

Useful leeches have no desire to improve their station in life and would love nothing better than to drag the entire country down to their level of misery and poverty. Not surprisingly, this group tends to be extremely racist and intolerant. They live in a constant state of fear.

The hardcore socialists and communists of the first and third groups love useful leeches, because they are so easily manipulated. They make excellent shock troops, and can be employed to strike fear among the population and silence critics on the right.

If there’s any hope of saving our country, it lies with the useful idiots. With extremely few exceptions, the members of the other groups are not going to change. Useful idiots CAN change if they are approached and educated correctly. A friendly conversation here, a book or article passed along there, and slowly but surely the tide can be turned.

If we can begin to sway even 5-10% of the useful idiots, we can tilt the balance of our country back to its Constitutional foundation. We can’t look to others to do this. The work is ours. The future of our country rests with us.

(Thanks to my friend, Alan, for suggesting this topic.)

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