Just in case you missed it, Twitter’s completely mindless algorithms (which are not supervised or monitored by humans in any way) have locked my account again; it happened Monday afternoon and my account will (presumably) be back to normal this coming Monday afternoon. Until then, I’ll be tweeting from my backup account, which I ask that you follow because this is bound to happen again. What happened this time is that a prohibitionist experienced some kind of glitch while attempting to troll Prostasia‘s website, and accused the members of the advisory council (which includes yours truly) of trying to “hide” our participation in a child protection and pro-civil-rights organization (because apparently the most delusional prohibitionists believe that wanting to protect children and civil rights are somehow positions to be ashamed of). When those accused asked the loser what he was blabbering about, he quickly descending into calling all of us “pedos”. I replied in thread with the tweet you see here; apparently the loon took offense and reported my analysis of his level of cognitive function. I sincerely doubt this rather mild insult was what Twitter refers to as “abuse and harassment”; what I believe happened is that complaints trigger an algorithm which scans the reported tweet for “bad words”, and my quoting what the abusive chimp was accusing us of was taken as my calling him a “pedo”. As Isaac Asimov once pointed out, computers are high-speed morons; tell a computer that certain words are verboten and the electronic idiot cannot tell the difference between someone initiating use of the words, and someone quoting the insult. Going forward, I’m going to keep this in mind because it’s the second time I’ve been shut down by this same censor-moron (the first one was for calling myself “queer” when a speech cop wanted me to call myself “gay”; see the similarity?) As long as Twitter and other websites allow themselves to be governed by mindless machines, this will never stop, but cheer up: think of how exciting driving wil be once this same kind of algorithm is actively operating a sizeable fraction of automobiles.