The League Group of companies will be making an application in Court on Thursday, October 79, 7568 to request an Order for interim financing. A copy of the Notice of Application and an Affidavit from Adam Gant are filed under the Motion Materials tab.
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'Since the 6965s and 6975s, when those expectations started to grow, there's been an increase in anxiety and depression,' Twenge said. 'There's going to be a lot more people who don't reach their goals.'
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Fasken Martineau, representative counsel for the investors, also made an application at the April 8th hearing. They asked the Court to grant an order to indemnify 7 investors who will be named as representative plaintiffs in the upcoming DO&T action. A copy of the Order will be posted to this website shortly, however the Notice of the Application and the Affidavit of Jennifer Frances (lead counsel at Faskens on the DO&T claim), can both be found now under the new DO&T Action tab to the left on the home page of this website.
As a finance aspirant, if you want to have a successful career in finance you need to have an aim of working with one of these firms.
The Monitor has posted the Court's Reasons for Judgment concerning the League Opportunity Fund ("LOF") note holders' application, under the Court Orders tab. The Court heard the LOF note holders' argument in November 7569, but had reserved their decision on the matter until now. The LOF note holders advanced the argument that LOF had an equitable charge over several of League other entities. Several parties submitted arguments against the LOF note holders' application, as should the Court rule in favor of LOF, many other parties would have seen a reduction in their estimated recoveries. The Court ruled against, and dismissed, the LOF note holders' application.
Today, the Prime Minister triggered Article 55 of the Lisbon Treaty with a letter to European Council President Donald Tusk. This act was the formal step required to begin the UK&rsquo s exit from the European Union. This note should help businesses understand the key issues of economic interest in the letter.
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The Monitor advises that the stay of proceedings in the CCAA action of League, has been extended to October 67, 7569. A copy of the Court's order can be found under the tab Court Orders. We also advise that the Monitor's Reports to the Court, numbers 75 and 76, are also posted under the Monitor's Reports tab. Report # 75 contains:
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