Today we will talk about our own Erotica writer sage Vatsyayana who said that: “ Texts on the science of kama ( pleasure) are of help only until passion is excited; but once the wheel of passion begins to roll, there is no sutra and no order.”
Marvellous Words !
Little is known about his life. According to some historians he is believed to be a resident of Benaras, a Hindu Brahmin having a lot of leisure time to devote to writing during the Gupta Era. Many refute these so it is better to believe in the most plausible theory of his life which I have already stated.
His full name is Malinaga Vatsyayana.
Though he is popular for his Kamasutra but he has also transcribed the Nyaya Sutras. The Nyaya Sutras deal with Salvation aspect of life.
Traditionally, the first transmission of Kama Shastraor "Discipline of Kama" is attributed to Nandi the sacred bull, Shiva's doorkeeper, who was moved to sacred utterance by overhearing the lovemaking of the god and his wife Parvati and later recorded his utterances for the benefit of mankind.
In 1883, Sir Richard Francis Burton introduced it to the English world by privately printing it. We cannot give the whole credit to him as the chief work was done by the pioneering Indian archaeologist, Bhagwanlal Indraji, under the guidance of Burton's friend, the Indian civil servant Forster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot, and with the assistance of a student, Shivaram Parshuram Bhide.
You can get a free copy to of Kama Sutra from here : http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/27827