Finance Magazine

I WILL Have a Cuddle

By Sue15cat
I WILL Have a Cuddle
You wouldn't think it was that comfortable would you!!
  But when Mavis wants a cuddle off Suky and Suky has decided to sleep in her favorite small bed this is what Mavis does.
I WILL Have a Cuddle
 I think Suky just sees Mavis as a lovely warm duvet and lets her lie there for as long as she wants.
I WILL Have a Cuddle
Pugs are lovely patient dogs ....
I WILL Have a Cuddle
 .... but Rosy wants none of this messing about double decker sleeping malarky  ;-)
I WILL Have a Cuddle
Reverse Advent - Day 5 And speaking about bedding ..... two fitted flannelette sheets off to the charity shop.
Sue xx

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