Fashion Magazine

I Went to London and Had Champagne.

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

londonBasically the title says it all; I went to London a couple of weeks ago, had my hair coiffed by Roberto and then enjoyed champagne. It’s a hard life.  After Roberto we stopped by F&M to pick up a little blue box for a certain someone’s birthday. Which you probably espied on my instagram account { and you really should be following me }. I managed (somehow) to avoid buying an entire cake, as well as the rest of the counter. This was partly helped by the crippling pain in my stomach due to a naughty tummy bug which severely depleted my energy for the day. Don’t worry though, I managed to soldier on and shop my way through Burlington Arcade (strictly window shopping atm) and purchase my Mermaid Hair Conditioner at Liberty. Some may find it strange I spent £26 on a conditioner, but when it makes your hair literally smell like Piña Colada and is completely 100% natural, how on earth can you say no? | You can buy it HERE We then fell into Fenwick and happened to try on a few hats. Funny how one just falls into shops, isn’t it? A certain someone fell hat over heels in ...

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