I was raised by cats you know.
They would accompany me everywhere I’d go.
You may think it’s impossible and I can see why
But I was raised by cats! No word of a lie.
It was cats that taught me the value of caution
And from this I was able to sense the whiff of extortion
That exuded the woman my dad was taken in by
But me and the cats knew that woman was sly!
So you may scoff and dismiss cats’ skittish ways
But if you have any sense you’d listen to what the behavior says!
It was the cats who taught me true compassion,
Showing me that care did not have to be rationed.
In the time before her son died,
Noodle never left Pushkin’s side.
She groomed him so tender and lovingly,
I still feel so privileged to be me
Because I was raised by cats you know
And they would accompany everywhere I’d go.
It was the cats who taught me the importance of loyalty
But I learnt this the hard way and now the cats no longer follow me.
The cats always used to sleep with me on my bed
That was until we left them not quite as bad as leaving them for dead;
But they were left with just food and each other for company
Oh how I missed the cats that followed me
Left and abandoned in that old great lonely house,
Only a cat flap to let them in and out.
Such abandonment is maybe tolerable once but not twice
I used to be greeted by purrs and mews; but now the cats are quiet as mice.
I was raised by cats you know
I miss when they’d accompany me everywhere I’d go