Gardening Magazine

I Think They Are Not Pink

By Dyarnell @dyarnell
It may be too early to tell for certain but I am getting confident that the four peonies that were here before us are all the same, and that they are red. 
I will wait to be sure but then move them after blooming to the South Lasagna Garden where they will be perfect.  Another example of grouping - why on earth are the four peonies each in a different garden? By simply grouping them (in the best location) I will dramatically increase their overall presence.I THINK THEY ARE NOT PINK It could turn out still that they are pink, the one color I do not want them to be.
I THINK THEY ARE NOT PINKAs each day passes and the red does not fade I get more excited and more hopeful. 
I planted the Red Charm peonies I bought at last fall's local perennial sale right across the path from these existing peony without even knowing it, so even their placement will be perfect if they remain this dark.
Wish me luck.

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