Current Magazine

I Read These on the Internet and Thought They Were Neat.

Posted on the 29 January 2013 by Anytimeyoga @anytimeyoga

Strengthening our Voices [note for internalized fat bias] by Jeanette at The Fat Chick Sings — “We are patronized. We are discriminated against. And whenever we say anything about it. When we complain about discrimination or unfairness, we’re patted on the head and told to just be quiet.”

17 Euphemisms for Sex From the 1800s by Adrienne Crezo at Mental Floss — “To say two people were engaged in the amorous congress was by far the most polite option on the list, oftentimes serving as the definition for other, less discreet synonyms.”

Norway goat cheese fire closes tunnel at the BBC — “About 27 tonnes of caramelised brown goat cheese – a delicacy known as Brunost – caught light as it was being driven through the Brattli Tunnel at Tysfjord, northern Norway, last week.”

I Use a Mokbal Because My Leg is Sick: Developing a Disabled Identity in Korea by Lee Klinger at The Ellipses Project [note for internalized fat bias and internalized ableism] — “As I transitioned from cane to crutch(es), I had to learn how to explain my increasing disability in Korean. I also had to fight my own internalized ableism, sizeism, and self-doubt.”

A Thing about Disablist Language by Melissa McEwan at Shakesville — ” But the more distance I get from relying on disablist language—and the more I am forced to say what I really mean, that Mitt Romney (for example) is not crazy, but indecent and cruel and privileged—the more I realize how progressive pundits’ reliance on disablist language is not merely hurtful or alienating, but counterproductive.”

Other readings of interest?

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