Diaries Magazine

I'm On It

By Owlandtwine
I'm On ItI'm On ItI'm On It
Theo's birthday is less than two weeks away.  This is the first year that we are not throwing a party and I thought I was completely fine with that.  Until the past few days.  
I've been waking in the middle of the night from wild dreams.  I ordered the groundstone for my dad's grave, a process that has taken a couple of weeks, numerous sketches, long distance phone conversations while hiding in my closet, as if Sully really cares what I'm talking about.  It has been just over a year since his memorial and burial, but I couldn't bring myself to start this final process until recently.  And I'm sure this is the reason for my sleep visions.
In my dream he's still alive.  I can see his smile.  He compliments my handbag, asks me where I got it.  And then he's gone.  I wake.
It sounds dark and sad.  It's just a dream.  Because really, just one year past, I miss him a lot but I'm also acutely aware of the extra layer of myself that has been released, a taut layer of worry.  I always worried about him so much. 
And then, because I'm wide awake in the middle of the night with no bird's prattle outside my window to calm my nerves, I lie awake and think about the birthday party that is not.  So last night I decided that this was just plain silly.  Just because we didn't invite friends and create a special event, the day is still hugely special--you don't turn six every day--and there will be a celebration, indeed. 
I'm On ItI'm On It
He wants to go to Chuck E Cheese.  His aunt and cousins will be in town.  He asked me to bake him a cake with a real Hot Wheels car on top.  And even though it will only be for family this year, there will be a party.
I'm on it.

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