Over the last two years, my career has expanded in some really cool ways. In addition to my personal styling clients, I have also gotten the opportunity to speak to retailers. My speaking topics range from styling training for sales staff and developing personal styling services and programs at brick-and-mortar retail locations.
This week I am heading to Vegas to speak at MAGIC, which is one of the most comprehensive fashion trade shows in the country, possibly the world. This will be my 4th time speaking there and this time my topic will be showing retailers how to set up personal styling services in their retail locations from the perspective of a personal stylist.
Currently, personalization and experience are like the new black in fashion. Retailers like MM. Lafleur, for example, has created a business model that is solely based on a showroom experience for their customers who choose to shop in-person, and mainstream retailers, like Banana Republic and Nordstrom, to name just a few, offer personalized styling services. As more and more retailers jump on this way of servicing their customers, I am offering my 16 years of experience as a stylist to help retailers build something that comes as close as possible to actually hiring a stylist. I have no issue with any retailers getting into the styling game as long as it is done with integrity and in service to the customer.
I could blog this week, or I could maintain my sanity
I could blog this week and travel to Las Vegas to speak, or I could give myself a break and maintain my sanity. Speaking takes a lot out of a person and even more out of you when you have travel two time-zones to do it. I am flying out on Wednesday and back home on Friday. I made the decision to give myself a hiatus this week and will be back the following with some fresh posts.
Cameron will have a Friday Fab Find post up this Friday. I didn't want to deprive you of one of the fantastic finds she always seems to come up with.
I appreciate your patience as this part of my career continues to evolve and I look forward to connecting with you next week.