Why We join the clubOK, so enough of the 7th grade bloggers. Anyway . . . I was at Disney for a couple of days this week while my husband was at a conference. Disney World is forever being picked as the site for adult middle-aged-male business conferences, which I don’t get. None of these guys had their kids with them. I’m pretty sure out of 500 guys in gray slacks and navy blazers, briefcases and bluetooths, I was the only wife along for the trip. There are any number of places a business conference would be better served. Starting with Chicago and ending with, oh, I don’t know . . . anywhere else other than Disney World. But it is what it is. I went along because I didn’t have anything else to do and I thought I could get caught up on some knitting, writing and reading. My sister had just sent me a copy of Walden and I wanted to dig into it. Reading Thoreau in Disney World is the most ironic thing I did this decade. Thoreau urges, “Simplify!” Disney responds, “Supersize it! And put sparkles on it, too!” Everything at Disney is huge. And by huge I mean hee-youge. A good slogan for Disney World would be: “If Size Doesn’t Matter, Someone Forgot to Tell Us.” I didn’t venture into the actual parks at all. At $76.50 a pop, I figured I could buy my $6 bottle of water and burned pizza right outside my hotel. The Boardwalk and Downtown Disney, while they have free admission, are no less Disnified. Things are still pretty big. At the Italian restaurant my husband and I went to, there were giant bottles of wine on display. I got a sympathy hangover just looking at them. Here’s a fountain outside my hotel:
- we hate disney
- we believe disney is the black hole of acting careers
- disney supports stupid musicians if you can call them that such as Britany Spears, Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguillera, and Youngstown, if you've heard of them......
- they have some of the stupidest original movies that are all about the exact same things, just different people, kinda like babysitters club books, i think disney has a show for those too.....hey
This is the We Hate Disney Club. if you think that the things above are true, they make you laugh cause they're so stupid, or just because you feel like it, you can join the club. All you have to do is write Rika an e-mail saying "i want to join your crappy club." then you'll be in it. . . . do you know what my brother just told me? it makes me so mad. the kid from malcolm in the middle, malcolm, i think his real name is frankie muniz, but kenji, that's my brother, said that he's gonna be on an original disney movie!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! if he does that, i might have to shut the club down, i dont know, i'll watch the movie and tell you all about it. but anyway, that's all my depressing news for now. cause i love malcolm in the middle. anyway -
- we hate disney--i can't think of anything else.....right now...