Ah the hustle and bustle of the holidays are in full effect. I hope amidst all the craziness that some make the holidays to be, that you actually enjoy this time of year for what it is. A special time giving back, spending time with loved ones, good food and drinks, and maybe singing Christmas music and watching movies as much as you possibly can each day. Maybe that’s just me, I really haven’t cared about anything if it’s not Christmas related. The next two weeks are definitely going to be busy around these parts with the start of cookie and dessert orders, a winter wonderland candy buffet I’m decorating, and some handmade holiday gifts I have to finish.
This weekend I definitely will be enjoying Christmastime, by going to see the Rockefeller Center tree and holiday window displays, and then meeting up with college friends on Saturday for a holiday party. Since, I will be so busy right up to Christmastime, I’ve pretty much already set the menu and lists for Christmas Eve and Day, but I’ve been trying to finalize the look for my table and decor. I want to keep things on the table simple, considering the lack of space…something a bit woodsy with fresh winter greens and lots of candles. Here are just a few Christmas tablescapes I’m loving…
top image via Best Day Ever {this is the simple, yet elegant natural look I’m aiming for}

left image via Farmhouse Tumbler | right image via Decor Advisor

left image via Instagram{can’t remember which source, if you know please share} | right image via A Pair and a Spare DIY

left image via Jacquelyn Clark | right image via Everything Fab

both images via The Stripe

left via Jenny Collier | image via Instagram{can’t remember which source, if you know please share}

image via Instagram{can’t remember which source, if you know please share} | right image via Sharps Farm