Expat Magazine

I’m Back from Africa – with a New Blog!

By Hanna

Sorry for my unannounced break from blogging earlier in the year! I originally paused to organize my thoughts and revise the direction of my blog. Which then turned into an extended shut down as I was dealing with the awful news of the Nepal earthquakes and the trails and tribulations of living in rural Uganda (really…there were many!). But, I missed writing and I missed my followers even more so I just had to find a way to return back to blogging.

So… nepalilovestory is back – but with a facelift! I am now blogging under the name “How to Smile in Any Language” which was given to me by the lovely Lauren from English Wife, Indian Life. This blog will be more of a personal blog space than a focus on my relationship and I plan (in time) to publish lots about my adventures in Uganda, Germany and London – and of course continuing the stories from my Nepali life.

This week, I will be heading off to Heidelberg, Germany to study Nepali language for one month. I am excited to visit such a beautiful place and meet many people with similar cultural interests. This is the next leg of my summer travels before I’ll head back to London for my last ‘year’ (7 months) of study!

For the mean time, this blog will be up and running under the old link of nepalilovestory.com. I’ll also be updating my Facebook page so make sure to follow for more posts – especially when I’m on the move!

They say that time heals and I really couldn’t agree more – it’s also allowed me to grow so much over such a small period. So, thank you to all my amazing followers for your continuous support and I am really excited to slowly fill you all in with the big changes in my life!

I’m Back from Africa – with a New Blog!

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