Expat Magazine

I’m Back…

By Hanna

…literally, I am back from Nepal and also back to blogging!

Towards the end of my stay in Nepal I became so busy with M and trying to get things organised to come back to London that I did not have time to blog, let alone enjoy my last weeks in Nepal. It was so stressful being in another country trying to find a place to live and come back to, luckily about a week before I was meant to leave, I found a room in East London that I could move into.

Once the stress of sorting out where I would be living had settled, I then started falling ill. During the last week, I had to lie in a dark room for two days due to migraines, I caught an eye infection, I got a cough and spent one day in bed feeling pretty ill and weak. I was so frustrated that once the stress had gone and things were looking better that my health started getting worse.

Then Thursday came round and it was my dreaded flight day back to London. I was upset to be leaving M, his family and the country I had grown to love and feel at home in over the past four months. Also, I had not managed to say bye to all the people I would miss after leaving due to the rush in the last week and me being ill for most of it. Reluctantly, I said good bye to his family and M took me to the airport and dropped me off but I did not want to enter the airport as that meant saying the hardest goodbye, to him.

My flight and transfer went quickly with no problems and I soon enough landed in cold, gray and miserable London. Back to the place where I am meant to feel more at home. But everything felt so wrong and different. I was exhausted and feeling pretty bad having to leave Nepal. But to make things a whole lot worse, I couldn’t use my card. I had about twenty pounds in my pocket which mamu had given to me before I left so I took a taxi to the hotel that had been booked for me so I could just sleep and decide what to do the next day.

When I got to the hotel, it turned out that my mom had booked the room but it had not been paid for. Strangely, they would not let me in the room without me paying them up front, which is where it all started to go wrong. In the end I was sat in the lobby for an hour waiting for the manager to come and see me and when she did she cancelled my room without me even asking her to. So I was left in the lobby with no money, no room and not idea what to do.

I managed to ring and wake M up who was fast asleep over 5000 miles away. He supported me so much, managed to reset my pin so I could use my card, helped me stay calm and decide what to do next. All the same time my family and friends were all telling me to do conflicting things. Even now that M and I are once again apart, he continues to love and care for me so much. I would not know where I would be or what I would do without him. But I know where I would want to be right now – and that is with him, in Nepal.

This is the best smile I could give him as I said good bye!

This is the best smile I could give him as I said good bye!

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