To almost follow on directly from yesterdays post, this is the reason I love my understairs cupboard ..... it's door. It is, like most of the other doors here, original to the house and is, in my opinion, simply lovely. Well I would say that most wood is lovely, but especially old and rustic wood.
I like old, used and weathered things, rusticity, wobbly stools, mismatched kitchens etc. Lovely Hubby likes clean, new things with straight lines, shiny surfaces and uniformity, but, thank goodness on the subject of old wood he mostly likes what I like.
So I love the understairs cupboard door with its gate style catch now that it is all finished.

He even allowed me to keep the gate he made for when we want the dogs kept downstairs untreated and not painted white, as was his first instinct, just because I liked it as it was. Maybe we could stain this wood now so it will match the door, I will have to think about that one!!

And to the person who said that understairs cupboards made hallways smaller and less elegant, when you see the floor space we have in our hall ... and this is it in total ... I had to stand on the stairs to take this photo and in the living room to take the others, you will realize that not having an understairs cupboard just does NOT work in some houses!!
Sue xx