Anyone with a technical background in dance will tell you, you don’t need a technical background to dance. And, you certainly don’t need a technical background to steal the show.
I’ve been a dancer since I was 2 years old. When I started walking, I started dancing.
To be a great dancer, you need more than great technique.
The technical stuff makes it pretty, but you make it interesting to watch.
Dance is all about attitude.
It’s about feeling it.
It’s about getting down.
You can have all the technical skill in the world. You can practice every day. But, when the curtain rises, if you don’t bring it… we will be bored.
That’s what you learn in dance.
You’ve gotta bring the magic.
You’ve gotta bring the life.
You’ve gotta werk.
Your hands and feet make a difference, but what really matters is your heart, your gut, and the rhythm deep in your hips. Dance comes from your back, your thighs, and your core.
Dance comes from the soul.
If you’re eyes are blank because you’re focused on your hands and feet, we will focus on your hands and feet, and our minds will wander.
We’ll be polite and clap. But we’ll stop watching.
If you’ve ever watched a baby dance, you know exactly what I mean.
Dancing babies are proof that everyone can be funky and free.
And, when babies dance, the whole world stops to watch.
Because, if a baby dances, it’s because they are feeling the jam.
They don’t fake their enthusiasm, it’s real.
And it’s very easy to see.
We can see that same spark in you.
We know when you’re feelin’ it.
And, it’s true for every area of life.
When you show up at the office, do you work? Or do you werk?
Because, we can tell the difference.
Technique is great.
Technique is what will impress us.
Technique will win you awards and accolades.
Technique is a given.
But, we didn’t buy a ticket for the technique.
We bought a ticket to see you werk.
Bring the funk, bring the soul, and we’ll never stop watching.
We’ll keep buying tickets. Because, we like the way you werk.