This post is an anonymous guest post*
I met her in a chatroom. She had the same name as my daughter and the same nickname.*kicks*. She was the same age as me, had a son who was adopted by her after his dad( her bf) died. The boys mom was dead too. She was very chatty and friendly and we would speak several times a day on the phone. It was known in that chatroom that she was very pretty. Pictures went up and to be fair she was. All the guys wanted her, and she enjoyed the attention. Lots of friends, a few haters nothing major.
One day she phoned me terrified, crying in a state. A guy she had been seeing and meeting up with had been a bit too full on and frightened her. She said he was following her. I phoned the police and kept her on the phone. After a while she rang back to tell me he had been arrested. Three days later she posted a pic of the two of them. They were openly all over one another. She would ring me and I would hear him.
She began to back away from contact with me
Became distant
Then she vanished
All contact stopped
I put it down to bad experience, but I was lost without talking to her.
A month later she was in the news.
Her name was the one she gave, but she was married. Her son was the son she had with him, she gave birth to him. Her husband was seriously ill in hospital with a unknown illness that was killing him. She had been arrested after confessing that she put something in his food.
She had poisoned him with anti- freeze after taking out a life insurance policy on him.
She had watched him get sick for two days after giving him it in a curry for their anniversary. By then the crystals were in his system. Then she phoned 999.
She left him a week in hospital before admitting it. Hes left blind, deaf and various health problems. Hes extremely lucky to have survived.
She was sent down for 30 years.
Their son was very little and now grows up without a mom. She never showed any remorse. Ever. Her whole life was made into a documentary for Murder In Suburbia, but they left out all her lies, all the men she had, the life she created behind her husbands back.
It goes to show you never truly know anyone online, no matter how close you think you are.