They often come up with a special Sunday for this event, and also put up very cool video teasers to whet our appetites. Here are the first two of those teasers, and I especially like the 1st one.
Man, can't you just wait till the conclusion of both videos will be revealed on August 26th? Arrrgghhh!! I can't wait to see what would happen next.
I'd like to invite all of you to find out with us. CCF-Cagayan de Oro (and all CCF churches across the Philippines) will connect with the main CCF in Manila via livestream. Our senior pastor, Peter Tan-Chi, is one of the best Christian speakers in the country (and probably THE best parenting speaker) and he will give the anniversary message, not to mention telling us the conclusion of these two stories.
We are located right across the street from the Mallberry entrance, and our worship services are on 8am, 10 am, and 12nn. Peter Tan-Chi will speak in all 3 services. (If you ask me, it's best to come at either the 8am or the 12nn, because the 10am service is FULL)
CCF-CDO, right across from the Mallberry entrance
If you have kids, bring them!! We have an awesome Kids' Church that really makes sure your children learn about God and have a terrific time doing so. On that note, I'd like the congratulate the Lifeshapers team (Lifeshapers are the wonderful people who volunteer for this particular role) that went on board this morning. You guys really hit the ball out of the park, complete with wigs, funky props, and great, great storytelling! I could hear the screams of laughter and delight from all the way in the main hall!!
Oh, if you're new to this blog, I also did a post for CCF's 27th last year, and our church was featured in the video teasers for that year, with the theme being God's Goodness and Greatness. Here it is.
I'd also like to invite you to check out the highlights of the said anniversary worship:
So, I'll expect to see you on the 26th then? I'd love to see you there. Happy 28th anniversary CCF! Thanks again for being the venue of my transformation as a Christian.
"Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!" (Psalm 34:8)